Themes provide interactive user interfaces for student users. Students access all modules through a theme page using the in-built POEs (points of education).

Themes can be customized according to the priorities, values and needs of school administration. All themes are interactive and provide access to the configured base and optional modules.

Themes are developed on expert advise and principals and provide easy to use and effective interfaces. POEs provide student-specific information guiding them through their entire educational journeys.

Themes provide a game-like atmosphere enriched with visual stimulators helping students to concentrate on learning. The Island Theme is provided by default as part of the Base Module.

Extension License and Customization: In addition to off-the-shelf licensed options, GameOn can also provide custom themes through custom development.


Choose from among the coolest themes you want!


The journey begins! To discover more, explore what's in GameOn Island!


Experience GameOn Platform via historic city that straddles two continents, with a rich culture and stunning architecture.


Iconic landmarks, diverse population, and rich cultural history... London can be your next station!