Despite the numerous features provided, management of the GameOn Platform is actually very intiutive and easy.

Within an authorization chain, all users can be authorized for all types of access rights and functions according to their roles and responsibilities. System comes with predefined roles and user groups.

However, unlimited roles, groups and detailed authorizations can be defined with read, create, modify and delete rights on all modules and sub-modules.

GameOn Management console is a web-based management tool that can be safely accessed anytime and from anywhere.

Management Console works in close coordination with the GameOn Teacher mobile application to help the teachers with their daily workload and increase their interactivity and efficiency.

Pages are designed to be very user friendly and intuitive. They are simple and plain and help reduce human error. You may master the platform after a few hours of training or trial.


Submodules included in the Management Console


GameOn Education System supports role and group based authorizations. For each role or each group, all system functions and areas can be flexibly authorized based on four main priviliges: read, modify, delete and create


Taking attendance may be a problem especially for events with many students and participation from different student groups. And late arrivals and early departure of participants may further complicate the issue. Taking attendance on GameOn for any event is easy and all complications are addressed


GameOn helps manage all lessons centrally through this module. Schedules can be automatically set up for each term. Shared, dedicated, virtual and physical resources (teachers, rooms etc.) can be managed centrally.