Submodules included in the Assessments


Users can define questions on any topic and assign these to any group of students. This is an easy and fun way of learning basic information and can be tied to the rewarding mechanisms to boost competition and engagement.


GameOn makes it super easy to organize quizzes for students. You can create quizzes in any topic or category you want, assign them to any group of students and connect them to the awarding mechanism. It is a fun and effective way to prepare students for exams.


Thoughts matter and they should be taken into account. GameOn provides a flexible survey tool. You may define any number of surveys with any number of questions and any number of multiple choices. This makes it extremely easy to gather data on what students think on specific topics.


Lessons are of course mandatory but it would be very nice to also have some entertaining and contemporary general knowledge content. With trivia module, you can help students to stay up to date and improve their social and general knowledge.


If students have something to say, they should be able to securely share this. Yes, we do collect and evaluate feedback through surveys but there may be other important issues that may go unnoticed. Feedbacks is the best way to collect feedback without any restrictions.