With multidimensional characteristic analysis of learners, we ensure the learning preferences of each student is screened to make a full impact. Gamification elements allow us to leverage the in-depth analysis of motivations and challenges for each individual. Teachers will be equipped with detailed insights about students that span across multiple learning processing categories. The high valued diagnosis will enable teachers to cross-train students by using a variety of approaches to thinking styles to personalize the learning journeys. GameOn allows further integration with LMS and Content management solutions to attain the desired learning outcomes.


GameOn has overcome the barriers in design to offer a fully gamified interface that has raised the performance of the students significantly over time. The initial goal of improving student engagement in and outside of the classroom was the key driver of GameOn design. As the engagement increased over the weeks, GameOn became the key interface for kids to manage all of their activities under a single platform, offering an extensive dataset that will enable GameOn to offer more personalized learning journeys by embedding the use of technology in creative learning.In common with many schools during Covid, we have witnessed a significant loss of concentration among students. Although, it may look like this is a transitory phase, there are long term impacts on educational attainment. DoE has predominantly underlined the problem we are facing, which may be a problem for this generation of kids. Gamification is a major panacea to solve the concentration and motivation problems we face in the education system nowadays. The primary tenets of GameOn are the encouragement mechanics for kids via playful barriers and challenges daily. With GameOn, students get ownership over their learning journey, to leverage the in-depth analysis of motivations and challenges for each learner through profiling. The high valued diagnosis will enable teachers to cross-train students by using a variety of approaches to thinking styles to personalize the learning journeys.

Gamification aids in cognitive development in adolescents.

Using gamification to aid in cognitive development will allow an increase in the activity of the regions of the brain to allow for adequate development. Games that are produced specifically for enhancing cognitive development are often referred to as “brain games.” Brain games have become increasingly popular and are based on various questions and problems that the user has to answer or solve. Brain games can improve the rate in which the brain processes and maintains information.

In some cases, it aids in physical development.

Exercising with an interactive game is just as effective as normal exercise. This form of exercise will be very beneficial in adolescents that enjoy playing video games but are not currently physically active. There are many long-term benefits to being active.